Tour Lincoln
The last time I was in Lincoln, I did a few videos of the area. I'd planned to go on Facebook Live with them but as there is no cell signal in Lincoln, you have to broadcast from Wi-Fi. Only problem with that, is though I know enough people with Wi-Fi in Lincoln, there are dead zones. Because of this, I recorded some impromptu videos you might enjoy (I'm not promising anything). LOL!
However, I figured most folks cannot get out to Lincoln (either because traveling in 2020 is hard to do OR because it's just not in the budget) so I recorded me in town and inside some of the locations for you all. These are literally off-the-cuff ramblings/video so forgive me if they're not perfect.
Hope you enjoy them anyway! - Tamsin :)
P.S. You may notice a word bleeped out here and there. Those are not swear words...they are the taboo words of YouTube (such as COVID, Coronavirus, and Pandemic). If those words show up in a video on YouTube, your video can get flagged and not found by those searching. So we had to remove them.

Tour Lincoln
Episode 1 - Where To Start in Lincoln
When I bring people to Lincoln to visit, I always have them start off at the official Lincoln State Monument Museum. Not only has this place been recently renovated, but it is where you can buy your pass for all the museums in Lincoln ($10 for the day, includes all museums & it's unlimited visits during the day).

Tour Lincoln
Episode 2 - Street Level Building Tour of the Convento, Arrowsmith's, and the Torreon
Follow me as I wander down the street of Lincoln, NM. We'll walk past the Convento, Arrowsmith's Store, and the Torreon. As we make our way down the street, I'll give nuggets of information about each location.

Tour Lincoln
Episode 3 - External of the Tunstall Store with Discussion on April 1, 1878
Join me as I start on the porch of the Tunstall Store, take you back to where Tunstall and McSween are buried, and then discuss that location and how it relates to the murder of Sheriff Brady on April 1, 1878.

Tour Lincoln
Episode 4 - The Day Billy the Kid killed Sheriff Deputy Bell and Olinger
Deputy Oligner heard the shot from the Wortley Hotel dining room and made his way to the Courthouse where Billy shot him after killing Deputy Bell. We'll start outside the Wortley and head over to the Courthouse as we talk about the day in history that cemented Billy the Kid as a legend of the old west.

Tour Lincoln
Episode 5 - Inside the Dolan House
Bev and Bill Strauser were kind enough to allow me to do a walk through of The Dolan House to show you it's beautiful architecture. I wasn't able to wander past the kitchen to their private quarters on camera, but I've seen the entire building. It's seriously beautiful and I hope whoever buys it, keeps up the tradition of a B&B/Dining Room/Store because it would be a shame for the public to no longer see inside this beautiful home.

Tour Lincoln
Episode 6 - Inside Annie's Little Sure Shot
Annie was kind enough to allow me to wander through her coffee house and art gallery on camera. Most everything you see in the store is for sale so if you like something and it's still there, you can always pay to have Annie ship it to you. If she cannot, I will. However, you really cannot experience all the work in this store better than in person, so if you get to go to Lincoln, be sure to stop in. (Closed on Sundays)

Tour Lincoln
Episode 7 - Inside Arrowsmith's Store
After I did the interview with Marilyn Arrowsmith (see Meet Lincoln Episode 5), she gave me permission to do a walk about in her store from the t-shirts up by the front door and all the way around. Much like with Annie's, if you see something you'd like to know more about OR purchase, let me know and I'll put you in touch with Marilyn to make that happen. Honestly, I warn everyone who comes with me to Lincoln that they 1) Shouldn't miss going into this particular store and 2) They won't leave without buying something.

Tour Lincoln
Episode 8 - Inside Aberrant Moon Used Books & More (Ruidoso, NM)
In the Meet Lincoln series, Episode 6 is an interview with Sumi Ayame. She is another artist in the Lincoln/Capitan area and though she sells her creations at Lincoln events, she also has a used book store she runs with her husband in Ruidoso. $1 for paperbacks and $2 for hardcovers. They also carry some rare books. Watch this tour of their store for more information!